Habilitační přednáška – Zdeněk Farka
28. dubna 2022
Srdečně Vás zveme na habilitační přednášku našeho odborného asistenta Zdeňka Farky s tématem:
Photon-upconversion Nanoparticles as a Background-free Label in Single-Molecule Immunosensing and Bioimaging
Přednáška se bude konat ve čtvrtek 28. dubna ve 14 hodin v rámci NCBR semináře. Plánovaná je hybridní forma akce, prezenčně se bude přednáška konat v posluchárně B11/205 v Univerzitním kampusu v Bohunicích. Odkaz pro připojení on-line bude dostupný později s dostatečným předstihem.
The rapid detection of low analyte concentrations is of fundamental importance in many fields, including clinical diagnostics, food control, and environmental screening. Among numerous analytical techniques, immunoassays and immunosensors are gaining attention due to the high specificity provided by antibodies and excellent sensitivity provided by different readout techniques. We have employed immunoanalytical techniques to detect a wide range of analytes, from small molecules, through proteins, to bacteria, utilizing various kinds of transducers and labels. Recently, we are focusing especially on photon-upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs), which are lanthanide-doped nanocrystals that convert near-infrared light to light of shorter wavelengths. We have exploited UCNPs as a label in upconversion-linked immunoassays for the detection of pharmaceutical diclofenac, mycotoxin zearalenone, and honeybee pathogen Melissococcus plutonius. The low background and high photostability make UCNPs a powerful tool for detecting single molecules. We have developed an optical approach for visualizing individual UCNPs and applied it for the sensitive detection of the cancer biomarker prostate-specific antigen. Finally, the unique optical properties make UCNPs suitable for cell imaging, which was demonstrated by labelling HER2 biomarker on breast cancer cells.
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